More Stuff....


The last time we were in Sydney, I managed to lose two cameras.  I lost one. We splurged on another because we figured we can't be in Australia without a camera.  Then about a week later I lost the new camera.

We bought a new one again.

We were very careful and managed to NOT lose it for 18 months.  Then the last time we were at the lake house, we lost it. This time it was Jack's fault....not mine.  I just want that to be on record.

Tim went back to the lake house, and searched for it. He didn't find it. We figured we'd try again as our trip to Disney World got closer. Tim went back to the lake house tonight after a meeting. I really doubted he would find it.  But I just got an email from him. The camera has been found.  

I probably shouldn't feel all happy and smug. Our luck....we'll probably lose it at Disney World.

We're good at losing things, unfortunately.