More Stuff....

Couples, Jesse, Eric Thomson, and Steve Toltz

1. Started watching an episode of Neighbours.

I'm curious about certain characters; and who they're going to end up being coupled with.

Will Amber (Jenna Rosenow) end up with Daniel (Tim Phillips) or Josh (Harley Bonner)?

Will Daniel end up with Amber or Imogen (Ariel Kaplan)?

Will Imogen end up with Daniel or Tyler (Travis Burns)?

Or will Tyler end up with Paige (Olympia Valance)?

It's like a love square.

I saw a spoiler about Amber getting pregnant. I wonder who the father of the baby is. I'm guessing it is NOT the man she wishes to be with. Isn't that how it usually works on soap operas?

2. Started watching The Code.

3. Heard a North-American accent on The Code. I wonder if the actor is American or Australian.

If I can find out the character name, I'll look it up on IMDb.

4. Felt like there is something very endearing about Jesse (Ashley Zuckerman). I love his extreme intelligence and honesty.

Well, actually he's not always honest. He can be a bit sneaky at times.

I can think of two times on the show where he lied, and both of them were for the purpose of giving himself time online.

5. Struggled to understand what's going on in the show. I think I got most of it but am a bit fuzzy about a few things.

6. Looked at IMDb for The Code because I was wondering which actor played the torturer.  I think it's Eric Thomson from Packed to the Rafters.  Well, I know Thomson is in The Code, because I see him in the credits.  But I'm not 100% sure he's the torturer guy. He could be playing someone else on the show.

I looked at the torturer guy and tried to figure out if he looks like Dave from Packed to the Rafters.

Oh here! I'll post a photo to see what other people think.

 It's kind of hard to tell from the photo; but now that I've watched parts of that scene three times, I'm pretty sure it's him.

7. Finished reading, A Fraction of the Whole.  I think I'm going to take a break from reading books for awhile. But I'm glad that book was the last I read before my break. It's quite amazing. It has so many clever and deep thoughts in it.

8. Excited to see that Steve Toltz finally has another novel out. When I'm done with my reading break, maybe I'll read that.

From Goodreads, I see it came out in Australia in April, but it's not going to be here until September.

So maybe September will be a good time for me to end my break. Or maybe not, because I'll probably wait until I get get it at the library.

Will they have it at my library?


I hope so.