Spotify Playlists

Yesterday I accidentally learned how to link to my Spotify Playlists...something I've half-heartedly  wanted to do on my blog.  

So...I decided to do a post listing some of my playlists.

1. 2025-My main current playlist...the one I regularly add to and listen to

2. Wake Up- October 7 stuff. Some of the music was made specifically about October 7 

And...some has no connection to October 7, but for me...personally, it helps to tell my/our story.  

For example, Stan Walker's song "Find You" is not about the Israeli hostages in Gaza. But the song resonates....

3. My Favorite Episodes.  These are podcast episodes that I've liked a lot.  I will continue to add to it.

4. 2024 - My used-to-be current playlist

5. 2023 - My other-used-to be current playlist.  

6. Songs I Heard on TV - This is where I used to stick songs that I heard and liked while watching TV shows.  

7. Aussie - This is the massive-massive list I made while I was obsessed with Australia.  It's very eclectic.  

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I was curious a few minutes ago and decided to see if I had ever added Stan Walker to the list. Because I know him as Māori but had also heard he's Australian.  (I should probably read more of his biography someday.  I kind of skimmed once or twice)

Anyway, one of his songs was on my list. "Unbroken"

I've now added the album (From the Inside Out) to my to-listen-to list.

See, I go back and forth from listening to my 2025 playlist and to my long list of saved albums and singles.

Currently, I'm in the midst of listening to Troy Kingi's Guitar Party At Uncles Bach.

Oh!  And on the 20th day of each month, I begin listening to a Billboard Top 100 of a year.

This month it's going to be 1990.  

Back to the albums and singles....

 I think most are either Māori, NZ-Other, or Zionist-related.

And then there's the mystery ones.  Who is this??? Why did I add this album???

Because I add albums and then don't get to them until months later.

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Zionist-related can range from singers who are now dedicating most of their life purpose to Israel to a...

Singer who one time posted something kind about the hostages. Or they signed one petition. Or they once went to Israel years ago.

Or I don't know what they did, but I saw their "crimes" listed on the Zionists in Music Instagram page.  

I mean I saw the list and description but didn't really read the list and description, because the writing is too small for me.  

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The good news is I won't be lost and confused when I get to Stan Walker's album. Though I probably won't remember why I added that particular album.  I probably also won't recognize "Unbroken", because with the Aussie playlist, I spent more time adding songs to it than listening to it.

I mean I surely did listen to "Unbroken" once but then probably never listened to it again.

OR it could be one of those songs that I don't know by the title but then I hear it and think...Oh!  THAT song.

Though...if that happens with "Unbroken", it could be I've heard it recently in my special-interest-in-Māori rather than during my past special-interest-in-Australia.  

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Note: I just checked the Spotify links to make sure they work and in doing so I saw some of my songs for 2025.  I don't like people to get the wrong idea about me (Whether the wrong idea is a positive thing or negative thing).  Anyway...there are some religious songs on there. Hashem-believing-sort-of stuff.  Though there's a small part of me that wishes I could go down the same path as some other Jews post October 7...(embracing Jewish tradition and belief)  I'm still just pretty much a Jew in ethnicity...and politically...and intellectually.  A tiny bit culturally (we lit the Menorah 7 out of 8 nights. I had a bagel the other day for breakfast).  So...yeah. The music is there, because I liked the sound of it...and I thought the lyrics were fun.