A Guide to My Blog


Here are some things I wish more people would read.

1. My Novel!  The Dead are Online.  

One of my other novels Thirty Cats (about a young adult with Neurofibromatosis) is on Kindle. 

And here's a link to links of more of my fiction.  

2. If you're into stories about neurology or shitty experiences with doctors, you might like my neurology disaster story.   

3. In 2018, I read through all my old Hallmark diaries and wrote blog posts about that experience. 

Here's the index of that and here's the first post —My life in 1985 (part 1).  Where I meet Glynis Carolyn, my newest Cabbage Patch Doll.

4. In 2021, after years of indifference...I decided to embrace the autism label.  Here's my first post about that adventure.  I wrote several other posts after that one.  I should do an index but don't feel motivated enough at this post.  

Some other key posts, though:

Autism and self-esteem

Labeling Myself as Autistic Should Be About 

Reasons for Me Not to Get an Autism Diagnosis (spoiler: I got a diagnosis)

What they Said about Me in the 1970's

Sensory Issues 

The Confusing Rainbow (A post that I was at first too chicken to post, because it kind of goes against dogmas of the #ActuallyAutistic community)

I Now Have the Official Autism Stamp

No Cheese Pizza, No Soup, and Definitely No Mayonnaise 

An Exhausting List of My Special Interests (which turn out to not all be special interests, actually) 

I've been creating autistic-related AI-art on NightCafe. 

There are also old posts with autism-diagnosis foreshadowing:

My life in 1994 part 7

You are So Obsessed! (in which I have an infuriating comments-conversation with a person who has a very negative, disease-model opinion of autism.  BUT...I'm kind of grateful for the conversation, because it's sometimes an antidote to my imposter syndrome) 

6. This post started off as a blog about my huge special interest which was Australia.

Here are some of my Australia-related posts:

Can Jealousy Ever Be Good?

You are so Obsessed!  (An autism-Australia crossover post). 

My Secret (Another autism-Australia crossover post)

The Biography Posts (an index)

Our 2009 Australia Trip (Index for my detailed trip report)

Videos of our 2013 trip

Fifty-Five Thousand Hours in Queensland 

The Fletcher Foster Kids, Anti-Minecraft, Teasing and Outbursts of Anger

Cleaning out the Backpack

7. These days, I'm mostly writing about the Holocaust and related subjects.  I'm actually not sure if it's a special interest or if it's just a way for me to try to understand what's happening in the world today.

Here's an index of that....

Here's the post that inspired that whole project: Gas Prices!

And here's the first post of that (ongoing) project: Learning about the Rise of Nazism in Germany

8. I write a lot about current political things.  Some of those posts include:

Just Eat the Peanut Butter Cookie 

Trump Supporters 

It Is What It Is 

I'm Going to try to Stick with My Choir

Wrapping My Mind Around Cultural Appropriation Using Chanukah

Little Moral Debate?  Really? Are You Sure?

It is What It Is 

Instead of Saying it to You I'll Say it to My Blog

Getting Off the Trump Trains

Trump is Not Like Hitler

You Have a Lot of Black Friends!

 9. I write a lot about mental health and toxic behavior.   

Some of the posts: 

Siblings and Friends

Give Me Some Attention!!!!

Mental Health Symptoms (My own personal ones)

Never Tickle Your Children!!!!

Types of Apologies (Part 1)

Types of Apologies (Part 2)

Types of Apologies (Part 3)

Types of Apologies (Part 4) 

Types of Apologies and Other Ramblings (Part 5) 

Searching for Validation

My Emotions Belong to Me and Not Anyone Else

Toxic People are Sometimes Delicious 

God Narcissists and Demon Narcissists 

Sometimes You Should Sweat the Small Stuff 

Can You Have a War Within Yourself 

I'm Doing Great. I'm Okay. I'm Falling Apart

And here's an index of even more.

10. I love Disney World and sometimes write about that.

Various Thoughts about Our Experiences at Woke Disney

It's a Mad Mad World and Everybody Wants to Rule It 

Our Experiences of Vomit at Disney World

Darkness vs. Disney World

What We Didn't Do at Disney in November

Some Photos from my 50th Birthday Trip 

Spending Time with Other Families 

A Platypus, My Past Life Memories, and Something Else Weird 

11. I love TV.

I've been trying to do a yearly list of what we've watched—divided by geographical settings.

Some other TV related posts:

Yasmeen Calls Geoff From Prison

Crazy Women

Woe is Me But Woe is Not You

Is Gaslighting Excusable in Supernatural Situations? 

The Last Three Episodes of the Big Bang Theory 

Wanting Serena Waterford to do the Heel-Face-Turn thing

Things that Lead Us to Doctor Who 

Should You Quit or Wait and See if it Gets Better 

Lewis on House Husbands

Jane's Mom Apologizes

Searching for Validation

And yeah...I know this is morbid.  But I am getting up there in age.  So....Here's what I want to happen when I die: A Morbid Post.  

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