Spotify Playlists

Yesterday I accidentally learned how to link to my Spotify Playlists...something I've half-heartedly  wanted to do on my blog.  

So...I decided to do a post listing some of my playlists.

1. 2025-My main current playlist...the one I regularly add to and listen to

2. Wake Up- October 7 stuff. Some of the music was made specifically about October 7 

And...some has no connection to October 7, but for me...personally, it helps to tell my/our story.  

For example, Stan Walker's song "Find You" is not about the Israeli hostages in Gaza. But the song resonates....

3. My Favorite Episodes.  These are podcast episodes that I've liked a lot.  I will continue to add to it.

4. 2024 - My used-to-be current playlist

5. 2023 - My other-used-to be current playlist.  

6. Songs I Heard on TV - This is where I used to stick songs that I heard and liked while watching TV shows.  

7. Aussie - This is the massive-massive list I made while I was obsessed with Australia.  It's very eclectic.  

* * *

I was curious a few minutes ago and decided to see if I had ever added Stan Walker to the list. Because I know him as Māori but had also heard he's Australian.  (I should probably read more of his biography someday.  I kind of skimmed once or twice)

Anyway, one of his songs was on my list. "Unbroken"

I've now added the album (From the Inside Out) to my to-listen-to list.

See, I go back and forth from listening to my 2025 playlist and to my long list of saved albums and singles.

Currently, I'm in the midst of listening to Troy Kingi's Guitar Party At Uncles Bach.

Oh!  And on the 20th day of each month, I begin listening to a Billboard Top 100 of a year.

This month it's going to be 1990.  

Back to the albums and singles....

 I think most are either Māori, NZ-Other, or Zionist-related.

And then there's the mystery ones.  Who is this??? Why did I add this album???

Because I add albums and then don't get to them until months later.

* * *

Zionist-related can range from singers who are now dedicating most of their life purpose to Israel to a...

Singer who one time posted something kind about the hostages. Or they signed one petition. Or they once went to Israel years ago.

Or I don't know what they did, but I saw their "crimes" listed on the Zionists in Music Instagram page.  

I mean I saw the list and description but didn't really read the list and description, because the writing is too small for me.  

* * *

The good news is I won't be lost and confused when I get to Stan Walker's album. Though I probably won't remember why I added that particular album.  I probably also won't recognize "Unbroken", because with the Aussie playlist, I spent more time adding songs to it than listening to it.

I mean I surely did listen to "Unbroken" once but then probably never listened to it again.

OR it could be one of those songs that I don't know by the title but then I hear it and think...Oh!  THAT song.

Though...if that happens with "Unbroken", it could be I've heard it recently in my special-interest-in-Māori rather than during my past special-interest-in-Australia.  

* * *

Note: I just checked the Spotify links to make sure they work and in doing so I saw some of my songs for 2025.  I don't like people to get the wrong idea about me (Whether the wrong idea is a positive thing or negative thing).  Anyway...there are some religious songs on there. Hashem-believing-sort-of stuff.  Though there's a small part of me that wishes I could go down the same path as some other Jews post October 7...(embracing Jewish tradition and belief)  I'm still just pretty much a Jew in ethnicity...and politically...and intellectually.  A tiny bit culturally (we lit the Menorah 7 out of 8 nights. I had a bagel the other day for breakfast).  So...yeah. The music is there, because I liked the sound of it...and I thought the lyrics were fun.

Dear People Who Oppose the Occupation

Dear People Who Oppose the Occupation:


Could you please do me a favor?

When you speak out against the occupation, could you please be more specific about where you’re talking about.

I mean obviously you’re talking about Israel and Palestine. People don’t often complain so passionately about the occupations happening in North America, South America, Oceania, etc.

But when it comes to Israel and Palestine, I’d appreciate it if you’d be more specific. Because this has been confusing me for decades.

Are you referring to: 

A) Areas in the West Bank 

B) What’s been going on in Gaza post October 7

C) All the land from the River to the Sea… (you want Israel to go bye bye)

D. You have no idea. You’ve just been super passionate about Palestinians ever since falling in love with Abed on Community. 

Dear Zionists

Dear Right Wing Zionist Influencers:

If you are outraged about Natalie Portman reading and promoting a Palestinian book but had no problems with Elon Musk doing Nazi gestures and making Holocaust jokes, I'm done with you...I mean even more done with you than I previously was done with you.

* * *

Dear Other Zionist Influencers:

Thank you for having a balanced approach to your outrage.

I hope you will never underestimate the appreciation I have for you.

I want to shower you with virtual hugs, kisses, boxes of chocolate, adorable stuffed animals, etc.

Dear M (Part 4)

Dear M,

I want you to know that I do NOT support Trump's plan to ethnically cleanse Gaza of Palestinians.

I wish I knew that you wanted me to know that you did not support Hamas murdering, raping, and kidnapping Israelis.  

I wish I knew that you cried with a mixture of joy and sadness when seeing videos of the hostages reuniting with their families.

I wish I knew that you are worried about Kfir and Ariel Bibas.  In your crunchy, loving Momma kind of way.

It's all so sad.

I wish I knew you didn't hate Israelis.  

I wish I knew that you saw the wrongness in tokenizing anti-Israel Jews.  

If you don't know, let me tell's as ugly as conservatives tokenizing Candace Owens during the George Floyd protests.  Okay?  Can you please TRY to understand that.

* * *

I think for the most part we're on different planets now.

But we do still have hating-Trump in common.

And we both still have not-wanting-bad-things-to-happen-to-Palestinians in common.

And I can bet we both want Trump to keep his evil hands and feet far away from Greenland.

There's not much.

But there's that.  

And a few other things, probably.  

The 10th Doctor

I have a history of somehow making my iPhone do things when I'm not directly or purposely using my iPhone.  I carry it in such a way that I end up opening apps and have even, once, thanks to predictive text, wrote really kind things about a family member without meaning to.  

The other day I come downstairs from watching TV.  And in the process of placing my phone down on the counter, all of a sudden I'm hearing/seeing an old Doctor Who video with David Tennant (plus cast and crew) lip-singing to the Proclaimer's "I'm Going to Be (500 Miles)".

It was surprising.

It was weird.

It was random in the kind of way a person-like-me feels is far from random.

Do you know what I mean?

Probably not.

I took it as a message.

I also took it as a message that I will never decipher.  At least not in this lifetime.

I took time out of my busy life to watch the video even though I'm not currently in an obsessed-with-Doctor-Who phase.  And even though I doubted the video would provide me with an easy answer of what the powers-that-be are trying to tell me.

After watching the video, I started to do some evening chores while getting back to the Weird Crap in Australia episode I had been listening to early in the day.

The episode was about Kylie Minogue.

About two minutes into getting back into it, guess what they mention?

Yep.  Minogue guest starring on Doctor Who.  During the David Tennant years.

I refuse to believe all this is a coincidence.

As I talked about in my previous my old age, I plan to refuse to be open-minded and logical about these things.

Although I think believing it's all random and coincidental is what's really illogical and closed-minded.  

All that being said....I still have no idea what the universe, the powers-that-be...(the multiverse?) is trying to tell me with all this David Tennant stuff.

Edited to add 2/6/2024-Forgot to mention that between the Proclaimers and the podcast...while I waqs doing my chores I suddenly, randomly blurted out something like "We need to find George."  Or "Where is George?"

* * *

I should also add that a day or two later, Doctor Who jumped back into my life again via a quite-trippy Te Reo Māori app that mentions Whovian and Time Lords.

It's a great app. Very helpful in terms of language-learning. Though despite my past experiences of loving and watching Doctor Who, a lot of the references are lost on me.

* * *

I started using the app right after reading some of Ricken Lazlo Hale's brilliant, life changing, inspiring self-help book...and the writing-voice of the app reminded me very much of Hale's.

* * *

Just came up with a hypothesis of what all these things mean.

Maybe the universe isn't sending me a message.

Maybe it's just trying to throw weird things at me to cheer me up and distract me from all of Trump's Hitlering.

* * *

For now on, I'm doubling down on both believing in the supernatural and comparing Trump to Hitler.



The other night, when I was home alone, a voice woke me up.

"Hello?"  It was high-pitched, friendly, polite, anxious.

My two competing assumptions about the voice were that 

A) It was a hypnagogic hallucination

B) My headphones or the ambient noise thingie on my iPhone had been hacked.

Believing in B pre-Internet could probably be considered a symptom of paranoid schizophrenia.  But these days? I think it's not illogical to suspect such a situation.  

If I did not have a history of hypnagogic hallucinations, A might have concerned me.  I was simply surprised because I believed (wrongly believed) that prior to this event, all my hallucinations had been of Jack.


Everyday, I look at Google Stats to see which of my blog posts are most popular with the bots in Hong Kong, Brazil, Singapore...(And now Israel, apparently).

Sometimes I look at the title of a post and have no idea what it was about.

Sometimes I'm curious enough to see what my past self was up to.

A post entitled "Parrots and Voices" got my attention.  I thought maybe it provided validation for the cockatoo-related bigotry I had accused my past self of in this post.

It didn't.

There is no mention of cockatoos.

2012-Me had dreamed about rosellas.


2012-Me had been woken up by a voice.

That was not Jack's voice.

And the way I talk about it, it sounds like this was the first time it had ever happened to me.

2012-me wrote:  "Oh! The other good news is the voice sounded very nice....polite. She kind of sounded like one of my old high school friends.  She seemed kind of embarrassed to be waking me up."

The 2025 voice didn't remind me of any old high school friend.  Though maybe between 2012 and 2025 I forgot what my high school friends sounded like.

The description, though, does match the vibe I got from the 2025 voice...nice, polite, embarrassed to be waking me up.

The one person I thought of that might kind of match the voice is Riley from Inside out.

I need to re-listen to her voice, though.

And I'm not sure if it would be the original Riley or the new Riley.

* * *

I just watched a clip or two of both original and new Riley.

She and she are much less high-pitched then the voice I heard.

BUT....the voice might be reminding me of Riley at a certain time.  There might be times that she does get high pitched?

I'm not in the mood to go searching, though.

* * *

I will admit that yes, I did consider that the voice might be a ghost.

But since I was home alone, I didn't want to put too much thought into that. that I write that, it seems silly.

A ghost might actually be less threatening than our devices being hacked by who knows what.

Now that I'm not home alone....

I've decided that no matter what it might be....

I'm going with it being a ghost.

Or a demon.

Or a guardian angel.

Or a cute-little-emotion-character that lives within me and is making itself known.  


* * *

For the rest of my life, I'm going to try to attribute as much weird stuff to the supernatural as I can.


To make life more fun...even if it's a bit scary at time.  

Really, though.  I think it would be hard for supernatural-scary to compete with real-life scary.  (Dear Demonic beings: I'm not saying this as a challenge. Okay?)