1. Started watching an episode of Farscape.
I doubt it.
Well, I might feel he deserves some wrath. But I'm not a fan of cheap personal attacks in debates.
16. Looked at the Twitter of Krampus (@Mahbubur).
He likes horror movies.
He doesn't like people who are apathetic towards the working class.
He uses the term FemiNazis.
17. Wondered if I'm against the term FemiNazis.
I don't think I'd be against it in all cases.
I wouldn't be against using it to describe feminists who are fanatics about their cause—especially if they're cruel and unfair.
I WOULD be against using the term towards any woman who says or does something to help further the cause of women's rights.
18. Saw one of @Mahbubur's Tweets about Clementine Ford: I'm not defending him. I'm fighting against @clementine_ford abuse of power. She ruined a life cos she was offended.
That's a very complicated thing. I don't know how I feel about such situations.
Well, and I don't know the details of this particular case.
I do sometimes think people's careers are too easily destroyed by making one wrong slip of the tongue.
On the other hand, if someone said something that deeply offended me, I might want them to be fired.
19. Decided to find out what happened.
20. Read an article about the situation.
I think, in this case, I'm more on Clementine Ford's side.
She didn't get a guy fired for saying general rude things on his own platform. He said offensive things on her Facebook page.
There would be a difference between someone getting me in trouble for an opinion I've written on my blog and someone getting me in trouble for a cruel comment I wrote on their own blog.
21. Tried to wade through all the Facebook messages and can't find much from the alleged perpetrator, Michael Nolan.
Maybe he deleted his offensive posts?
Anyway, now I feel I can't really say I'm on Ford's side. I don't have enough information.
22. Found the post in question. Michael Nolan said, slut.
I guess he got fired for that one word.
It's not a nice word; though I've seen much worse.
I also wonder why it's not okay for Michael Nolan to use the term slut on Ford's Facebook page, but it's okay for her to tell @Mahubur that he's so boring, he puts her to sleep.
I actually think I'd rather be called a slut than boring.
23. Started looking at Clementine Ford's other mean Tweets.
She says to @snuffleupagus Sir, if you don't lie still I cannot change your dirty diaper. It's not okay to call someone a slut, but it's okay to poke fun at those suffering from encopresis?
To @Harveydentlemen she Tweets, You are a ridiculous person with a pathetic outlook on life. If you can't handle that assessment, get off the internet.
How is that better than calling someone a slut?
24. Thought my heart would go out more towards Ford if she was a sweet person who got someone fired for being abusive on her Facebook page.
I don't like her. She reminds me a lot of someone who tormented me in the past.
That being said, I'm not sure she's really to blame for Michael Nolan being fired.
What she did was simply report him to his workplace. Then they made the decision to fire him.
I think about people on the Internet who've been awful to me. One (alluded to above) claimed to be a gynecologist. Maybe she worked for Planned Parenthood...or something like that? She said all kinds of abusive things—made jokes inferring I was sexually abused, encouraged me to harm myself, said anti-semitic things, and offered to give me a free hysterectomy next time I visited Sydney.
If I got a hold of her workplace, I would have loved to show them what kind of person they had working for there. If they fired her, I would probably feel some sort of satisfaction.
I think reporting her would have been the right thing to do.
I don't know if it would have been fair to put extreme pressure on the clinic to get her fired. That would need to be their decision.
A part of me is thinking, though. If this woman really was a doctor. If she could be that cruel to someone on the Internet, isn't it possible that she's horribly cruel to her patients as well? Shouldn't it be my responsibility to make sure she loses her job?
But then things get confusing.
Should a company be pressured to fire someone who used the word "Slut" on Facebook.
Should a company be pressured to fire someone because they made jokes about adults having to use diapers?
What's mildly offensive to one person might be extremely offensive to another person.
25. Decided the best thing to do in the situation is report the person but not pressure the company to fire the person. If the company continues to employ the person; then the fair response from us is not to do business with that company.
We might also spread the word about the company and that might make other people not want to do business with the company.
I guess that would be sort of like pressuring the company.
I think it's different, though, then directly pressuring people or a company to make the changes we want them to make.
It would be one thing for me to name the clinic that the abusive woman worked for—if I was able to obtain the information. It would be another thing for me to harass patients and other staff members of the clinic.
26. Concluded that I don't like Clementine Ford, mainly because she reminds me of someone who was awful to me on the Internet.
I think she's a hypocrite for complaining about Michael Nolan when she's not very nice on the Internet herself.
But I don't think she's directly to blame for Michael Nolan being fired, and I don't blame her for reporting him to his company. I'd probably want to do the same thing if someone said something that offended me.
27. Went to palg1305's Uluru Flickr album.
28. Liked this photo. The sky's so perfectly blue.
29. Liked the trees in this photo.
And I like how it's a view of Uluru I don't usually see.
30. Saw a photo of Uluru looking more brown than orange.
I've heard that Uluru changes colors—or looks like it changes colors. But most of the photos I've seen have a reddish-orange Uluru. Maybe that's the color people prefer; so when it's a different color, most people put down their cameras.
31. Watched video of Uluru changing colors.
I saw really only two colors.
I'm sure there were many subtle color changes, but only the one change stood out to me.
32. Got ready to watch a Tropfest movie.
This one is from 2007. It's called "Real Thing" and was directed by Rupert Glasson.
33. Saw that Glasson has directed two full length movies.
34. Realized I've probably been wrongly italicizing short film titles when I should be using quotation marks.
I'll do the right thing for now on.
35. Saw that one of the movies Glasson directed was Coffin Rock.
When I gave it a closer look, I saw it starred Lisa Chappell.
I remember writing about the movie when I did a blog post about her.
36. Saw that the video for "Real Thing" isn't working. It links to YouTube, but I guess the YouTube video was taken down.
37. Decided to watch another Glasson short that's on Vimeo. This one is called "Teratoma".
38. Got idea from creepy voices in beginning that it's a horror type thing.
39. Saw that the movie is about cancer.
Cancer is definitely a horror.
40. Saw that there is also supernatural horror.
41. Thought the movie had interesting creepy and scary imagery, but I didn't really understand the storyline.
42. Saw, from the end credits, that Nicholas Hope was the actor in the film.
I'm pretty sure he's from Offspring—the guy who played Patrick's (Mathew Le Nevez) father.
43. Looked up Nicholas Hope and saw that I'm right.
That's good.
I'm not in the mood to be wrong.
44. Decided to reread Jack Killbride's editorial about Clementine Ford, because he's getting a lot of grief on Twitter.
Did I miss something?
From what I read, he seemed to be just putting out a message of attracting more flies with honey than vinegar.
45. Found nothing offensive in his first paragraph.
I wholeheartedly condemn the actions of the men who have threatened and abused feminist writer Clementine Ford. I also commend the decision of one particular boss who opted to terminate the contract of Mathew Nolan after his embarrassing and disgusting remarks. However, while Clementine Ford is a great advocate of the feminist movement in this country, her strategy may be doing more harm than good.
That all seems rational and decent to me.
46. Thought maybe people are having issue with what he says here.
The problem with writers like Clementine Ford is although their sentiment is justified, their vitriolic writing style means that people will always get offended. Unfortunately, those getting offended are usually the ones who need to read it the most.
I do share Killbride's dislike of vitriolic writing styles.
I'm not sure I agree that the offended people are the ones who need the feminist message the most.
If we subtract the horrible sexist men who rape, abuse, and spew hatred towards women; then maybe we are left with the confused men who are sort of sexist but usually try hard not to be.
It's like me. I'm sexist against men sometimes. I also sometimes have racist feelings and ageism feelings. I try to be a good person, but sometimes I fail in certain ways.
Anyway, maybe these struggling men are the ones who most need to hear feminist messages. And maybe those are the ones who will be pushed away—repelled by harsh Tweets and Facebook messages.
So, maybe when Killbride talks about the men who need the feminist message the most, he's NOT talking about the very awful assholes; he's talking about the decent men who are a bit lost sometimes.
They need a gentle hand to guide them.
47. Read further and saw Killbride messing things up a bit.
He DOES include rapists in his category of those who need kind feminists to reach out to them.
48. Read it again. Technically, he doesn't include actual rapists but men who make us afraid of being raped.
I guess that might be real rapists, though.
If we see a rapist on the news, then we might become scared of walking alone at night.
49. Read this line again.
The mission of feminism is to make these men change and starting fights with them is only making that mission harder. We need a way to bring them in and luckily we may already have one.
I agree with him, and I disagree.
It all depends.
I think it's best to TRY to be nice in most cases—the whole honey vs. vinegar thing.
But sometimes you have to fight.
If someone tries to rape you, it's probably fair if you don't want to respond with a kind word.
Rape and violence aside, I guess my general feeling is to TRY to respond with kindness. Try to understand. Try to find a common ground. Try to turn a negative interaction into a positive one.
If that doesn't work; then either fight back or walk away.
50. Thought maybe what Jack Kilbride was trying to say is to stand up and fight against asshole men but try to have patience with the other men. Try not give them the benefit of the doubt. Be open-hearted with them. Make them feel welcome in the feminist fight.
51. Thought that maybe the problem is with Jack Killbride's name.
It kind of sounds like he wants to go out and kill brides.
That's not very pro-feminist.
Read my novel: The Dead are Online
2. Saw that Ben Mendelsohn is in this episode.
I haven't seen him yet, but I saw his name in the credits.
3. Thought that this might be Mendelsohn.
4. Thought this episode was sad and intense.
Talyn, the son of the living ship Moya, has killed six hundred innocent people because of his paranoia.
He's a danger to himself and others.
It's one thing when someone kills because they're evil. It's another when they kill because they're mentally unstable.
It reminds me of things like Bates Motel and Of Mice and Men.
All these stories are about deeply loving someone who has a good heart but is mentally unstable and very dangerous.
I think it's one of the most depressing situations out there.
5. Thought that it also reminds me of our cat Mushu. He had a good heart—was very sweet and cuddly. But he had a dark side. When Jack was a toddler, Mushu attacked him one day. It was terrifying. As much as I loved Mushu, I did consider having him put to sleep. We didn't, though. Instead, we had him and Max declawed, which is controversial in itself.
Having Mushu declawed made things less dangerous. But there were still times that he went after Jack. It would make me worried and angry; but at the same time I loved Mushu a lot. So then when I got angry at him, I'd feel guilty for the anger.
6. Thought that it also reminds me of that scene in Rise of the Planet of the Apes, where the chimpanzee gets violent in order to protect his human-friend.
7. Finished watching the episode of Farscape.
8. Started watching the next episode of Farscape.
9. Finished watching the episode of Farscape.
10. Followed a Twitter trend link to an editorial about Clementine Ford.
I wasn't sure who Clementine Ford was, but from what Jack Killbride writes, I get the the idea that she's an anti-male feminist.
Killbride prefers feminists like Emma Watson. She wants feminism to be about equality for all people and invites men to join in the fight.
I agree with Killbride; though I have to admit that there are times where I have a general anti-men feeling.
11. Went to Clementine Ford's page on the ABC website.
Her most recent editorial was from almost a year ago, but I see that she also has her own blog.
12. Clicked on the blog.
It's not available.
13. Went to Clementine Ford's Twitter.
She seems like the type of person who enjoys saying mean things to people.
14. Had to admit I was mildly amused at her sarcasm in this Tweet.
15. Wondered. If I had a close look at @Mahbubur, would I think he deserves Ford's Tweet:
It's working, I am almost dead from how boring you are.I doubt it.
Well, I might feel he deserves some wrath. But I'm not a fan of cheap personal attacks in debates.
16. Looked at the Twitter of Krampus (@Mahbubur).
He likes horror movies.
He doesn't like people who are apathetic towards the working class.
He uses the term FemiNazis.
17. Wondered if I'm against the term FemiNazis.
I don't think I'd be against it in all cases.
I wouldn't be against using it to describe feminists who are fanatics about their cause—especially if they're cruel and unfair.
I WOULD be against using the term towards any woman who says or does something to help further the cause of women's rights.
18. Saw one of @Mahbubur's Tweets about Clementine Ford: I'm not defending him. I'm fighting against @clementine_ford abuse of power. She ruined a life cos she was offended.
That's a very complicated thing. I don't know how I feel about such situations.
Well, and I don't know the details of this particular case.
I do sometimes think people's careers are too easily destroyed by making one wrong slip of the tongue.
On the other hand, if someone said something that deeply offended me, I might want them to be fired.
19. Decided to find out what happened.
20. Read an article about the situation.
I think, in this case, I'm more on Clementine Ford's side.
She didn't get a guy fired for saying general rude things on his own platform. He said offensive things on her Facebook page.
There would be a difference between someone getting me in trouble for an opinion I've written on my blog and someone getting me in trouble for a cruel comment I wrote on their own blog.
21. Tried to wade through all the Facebook messages and can't find much from the alleged perpetrator, Michael Nolan.
Maybe he deleted his offensive posts?
Anyway, now I feel I can't really say I'm on Ford's side. I don't have enough information.
22. Found the post in question. Michael Nolan said, slut.
I guess he got fired for that one word.
It's not a nice word; though I've seen much worse.
I also wonder why it's not okay for Michael Nolan to use the term slut on Ford's Facebook page, but it's okay for her to tell @Mahubur that he's so boring, he puts her to sleep.
I actually think I'd rather be called a slut than boring.
23. Started looking at Clementine Ford's other mean Tweets.
She says to @snuffleupagus Sir, if you don't lie still I cannot change your dirty diaper. It's not okay to call someone a slut, but it's okay to poke fun at those suffering from encopresis?
To @Harveydentlemen she Tweets, You are a ridiculous person with a pathetic outlook on life. If you can't handle that assessment, get off the internet.
How is that better than calling someone a slut?
24. Thought my heart would go out more towards Ford if she was a sweet person who got someone fired for being abusive on her Facebook page.
I don't like her. She reminds me a lot of someone who tormented me in the past.
That being said, I'm not sure she's really to blame for Michael Nolan being fired.
What she did was simply report him to his workplace. Then they made the decision to fire him.
I think about people on the Internet who've been awful to me. One (alluded to above) claimed to be a gynecologist. Maybe she worked for Planned Parenthood...or something like that? She said all kinds of abusive things—made jokes inferring I was sexually abused, encouraged me to harm myself, said anti-semitic things, and offered to give me a free hysterectomy next time I visited Sydney.
If I got a hold of her workplace, I would have loved to show them what kind of person they had working for there. If they fired her, I would probably feel some sort of satisfaction.
I think reporting her would have been the right thing to do.
I don't know if it would have been fair to put extreme pressure on the clinic to get her fired. That would need to be their decision.
A part of me is thinking, though. If this woman really was a doctor. If she could be that cruel to someone on the Internet, isn't it possible that she's horribly cruel to her patients as well? Shouldn't it be my responsibility to make sure she loses her job?
But then things get confusing.
Should a company be pressured to fire someone who used the word "Slut" on Facebook.
Should a company be pressured to fire someone because they made jokes about adults having to use diapers?
What's mildly offensive to one person might be extremely offensive to another person.
25. Decided the best thing to do in the situation is report the person but not pressure the company to fire the person. If the company continues to employ the person; then the fair response from us is not to do business with that company.
We might also spread the word about the company and that might make other people not want to do business with the company.
I guess that would be sort of like pressuring the company.
I think it's different, though, then directly pressuring people or a company to make the changes we want them to make.
It would be one thing for me to name the clinic that the abusive woman worked for—if I was able to obtain the information. It would be another thing for me to harass patients and other staff members of the clinic.
26. Concluded that I don't like Clementine Ford, mainly because she reminds me of someone who was awful to me on the Internet.
I think she's a hypocrite for complaining about Michael Nolan when she's not very nice on the Internet herself.
But I don't think she's directly to blame for Michael Nolan being fired, and I don't blame her for reporting him to his company. I'd probably want to do the same thing if someone said something that offended me.
27. Went to palg1305's Uluru Flickr album.
28. Liked this photo. The sky's so perfectly blue.
29. Liked the trees in this photo.
And I like how it's a view of Uluru I don't usually see.
30. Saw a photo of Uluru looking more brown than orange.
I've heard that Uluru changes colors—or looks like it changes colors. But most of the photos I've seen have a reddish-orange Uluru. Maybe that's the color people prefer; so when it's a different color, most people put down their cameras.
31. Watched video of Uluru changing colors.
I saw really only two colors.
I'm sure there were many subtle color changes, but only the one change stood out to me.
32. Got ready to watch a Tropfest movie.
This one is from 2007. It's called "Real Thing" and was directed by Rupert Glasson.
33. Saw that Glasson has directed two full length movies.
34. Realized I've probably been wrongly italicizing short film titles when I should be using quotation marks.
I'll do the right thing for now on.
35. Saw that one of the movies Glasson directed was Coffin Rock.
When I gave it a closer look, I saw it starred Lisa Chappell.
I remember writing about the movie when I did a blog post about her.
36. Saw that the video for "Real Thing" isn't working. It links to YouTube, but I guess the YouTube video was taken down.
37. Decided to watch another Glasson short that's on Vimeo. This one is called "Teratoma".
38. Got idea from creepy voices in beginning that it's a horror type thing.
39. Saw that the movie is about cancer.
Cancer is definitely a horror.
40. Saw that there is also supernatural horror.
41. Thought the movie had interesting creepy and scary imagery, but I didn't really understand the storyline.
42. Saw, from the end credits, that Nicholas Hope was the actor in the film.
I'm pretty sure he's from Offspring—the guy who played Patrick's (Mathew Le Nevez) father.
43. Looked up Nicholas Hope and saw that I'm right.
That's good.
I'm not in the mood to be wrong.
44. Decided to reread Jack Killbride's editorial about Clementine Ford, because he's getting a lot of grief on Twitter.
Did I miss something?
From what I read, he seemed to be just putting out a message of attracting more flies with honey than vinegar.
45. Found nothing offensive in his first paragraph.
I wholeheartedly condemn the actions of the men who have threatened and abused feminist writer Clementine Ford. I also commend the decision of one particular boss who opted to terminate the contract of Mathew Nolan after his embarrassing and disgusting remarks. However, while Clementine Ford is a great advocate of the feminist movement in this country, her strategy may be doing more harm than good.
That all seems rational and decent to me.
46. Thought maybe people are having issue with what he says here.
The problem with writers like Clementine Ford is although their sentiment is justified, their vitriolic writing style means that people will always get offended. Unfortunately, those getting offended are usually the ones who need to read it the most.
I do share Killbride's dislike of vitriolic writing styles.
I'm not sure I agree that the offended people are the ones who need the feminist message the most.
If we subtract the horrible sexist men who rape, abuse, and spew hatred towards women; then maybe we are left with the confused men who are sort of sexist but usually try hard not to be.
It's like me. I'm sexist against men sometimes. I also sometimes have racist feelings and ageism feelings. I try to be a good person, but sometimes I fail in certain ways.
Anyway, maybe these struggling men are the ones who most need to hear feminist messages. And maybe those are the ones who will be pushed away—repelled by harsh Tweets and Facebook messages.
So, maybe when Killbride talks about the men who need the feminist message the most, he's NOT talking about the very awful assholes; he's talking about the decent men who are a bit lost sometimes.
They need a gentle hand to guide them.
47. Read further and saw Killbride messing things up a bit.
He DOES include rapists in his category of those who need kind feminists to reach out to them.
48. Read it again. Technically, he doesn't include actual rapists but men who make us afraid of being raped.
I guess that might be real rapists, though.
If we see a rapist on the news, then we might become scared of walking alone at night.
49. Read this line again.
The mission of feminism is to make these men change and starting fights with them is only making that mission harder. We need a way to bring them in and luckily we may already have one.
I agree with him, and I disagree.
It all depends.
I think it's best to TRY to be nice in most cases—the whole honey vs. vinegar thing.
But sometimes you have to fight.
If someone tries to rape you, it's probably fair if you don't want to respond with a kind word.
Rape and violence aside, I guess my general feeling is to TRY to respond with kindness. Try to understand. Try to find a common ground. Try to turn a negative interaction into a positive one.
If that doesn't work; then either fight back or walk away.
50. Thought maybe what Jack Kilbride was trying to say is to stand up and fight against asshole men but try to have patience with the other men. Try not give them the benefit of the doubt. Be open-hearted with them. Make them feel welcome in the feminist fight.
51. Thought that maybe the problem is with Jack Killbride's name.
It kind of sounds like he wants to go out and kill brides.
That's not very pro-feminist.
Read my novel: The Dead are Online