Watching Lyric Videos on YouTube

I watched Māori singing videos with lyrics and then felt really blah. Kind of depressed.

I feel better now, because I did a tiny bit of soul-searching and figured out why it got me down. 

The reason?

After all my studying the past few month, I only knew a few words of the songs. 

And there was a word I thought I didn’t know, because it had a macron, and I didn’t think was supposed to have a macron.  

How can I succeed in this if I can’t remember which basic words have macrons?

So I’ve decided to quit and instead take up taxidermy.  Because we have so many backyard animals. And also a lot of family pets that are going to die someday.  

I’m joking.

I felt better once I realized why I was feeling blah.

I’m going to keep studying and keep hoping that someday I will watch a Māori lyric video and know the meaning of most of the words.  

I can’t control how well my brain works with language learning. But I do have control over how much time I put into learning and how much effort.

There are things I wish for that I have no control over…like people reading my writing and liking it. And peace and prosperity in countries now at war. And Donald Trump’s presidency turning out much less horrific than a lot of us fear…

It’s nice to have a wish and hobby that’s mostly dependent only on my own desire to keep working at it.  

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