
I've decided to extend my hiatus from listening to audio books.

I was going to end it on Wednesday.  But now I'm going to extend it until at least next Saturday.


A) I'm very hyper-focused on my own fiction writing project.  That leaves me less time to listen to someone else's fiction.  But more importantly, I'm so hyper-focused...I think I'll.. spend too much time daydreaming and having to rewind...multiple times.

B) I'll still have stuff to listen to. Podcasts. And two that I listen to are fiction. So, I'll get my needed dose of fictional audio that way.

C) I'll also get my dose of fiction via the current TV shows in my life: Neighbours, Coronation Street, Little Women, and Gilmore Girls.

D) I need the extra time, so I still have time to learn Te Reo Māori despite now needing time to also write/plan/think about my book.

* * *

I really hope I actually write this book.

I started a little....

430 words.

Not a lot.

But much better than my last two attempts at writing novels. (ZERO words).

* * *

I don't plan to do word counting on a regular basis.

I just wanted to prove to whoever is reading this that I actually wrote some words.  

* * *

My barely-started novel's genre is UnDystopian.

It's in opposition to dystopian novels.

My future is a hopeful, better future.

But it's not a utopia.  Things aren't perfect. People still have problems.

I think the idea of dystopian is usually that there were lofty plans and then the lofty plans made everything extremely more shitty.

In the UnDystopian genre, the lofty plans make things better. But not perfect. Because there will always be problems.  

* * *

The conflicts in my novel probably won't come from the futuristic stuff.

The conflicts will probably be more everyday things...relationship issues, big life decisions, inner angst.

There IS some political drama involving terrorist cults.  I'm not sure, though if this will be a bit part of the plot or just a background kind of thing.  

OR it might be something that doesn't even leave my notes.  Like Dumbledore being gay.  Maybe I'll be the only one who knows there are terrorist cults...(and whoever reads this post) 

Edited to Add (immediately after posting): Just Googled and learned that there are utopian novels that don't present a perfect world.  So I guess I'm stuck calling my novel utopian.  Even though I much prefer the term UnDystopian.  

Or I could be a rebel and stick to UnDystopian.  

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