If I Controlled the Israeli Government

If I controlled the Israeli government….

Instead of bombing Gaza, I would have kidnapped 251 civilians from Gaza. Probably mostly children but also some mothers, fathers, and grandparents.

I’d definitely take an adorable toddler.  

I would treat them all very well. With the money saved on not blowing things up, the Gazans could be put up in five star hotels; given delicious food, access to Bluey, Korean drama, and other entertainment.

The world would still be outraged. Of course. Because it’s wrong to kidnap innocent people… even if you give them a fantastic playroom with FAO Schwartz stuffed animals and a soda fountain.  

And plus… these aren’t Jews we’re talking about here… or people who work with Jews. So the world would be uneasy about the whole thing.  

Anyway. After the Gazans are kidnapped and put into suites….

Then the Israeli government says, we will return ONE of your recently kidnapped for ONE of our recently kidnapped. And so on… a one to one ratio.

OR if you prefer, we can give you two prisoners for each of our hostages. Three prisoners if they’re serving a life sentence for murder type crimes.

I think I can guess what the family members of the kidnapped Gazans would pick… if they had the power. I think Hamas would probably want to pick something else.   

But maybe the world would somehow succeed in convincing them to change their priorities.  

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