First the Canary Died and then the Chairs Went All Funny

Poltergeist has been on my mind lately, because when I close our refrigerator, the clanging sound, it makes, reminds me of the bedroom scene in Poltergeist.

In my mind, I've been kind of comparing the timeline of Poltergeist to the timeline of Covid.  

Like the football game switching to Mr. Rogers and the canary dying would be learning that there's a new disease in China. It's like we paid attention...slightly, but it wasn't a huge thing.  

The chairs magically stacked on the kitchen table and Carol Anne sliding across the kitchen floor. That would be February.  It was beginning to feel like things might actually get very weird.  

March, schools and businesses shutting down, would be the attack of the tree and Carol Ann getting sucked into the closet.  

The vaccines would be Tangina visiting...and pulling gooey Carol Ann and Diane out of the ceiling.

This house is clean


Delta was the clown doll sitting on the chair, waiting.

And now it's strangling Robbie while Diane is being dragged up the wall.

I think that's where we're at now.

And soon we'll trying to run down a hallway that keeps getting longer and longer.  

I'm sure you can do this with any movie, really.

But....I like doing it with Poltergeist.

How would our world change if we knew for sure there was life after death, and it was easy for our dearly-beloved to talk to us via the Internet?   

The Dead are Online, a novel by Dina Roberts 

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