Having Conflicting Feelings about Squid

I'm really into building my Minecraft city.

Here's an updated photo.

This might not look impressive to you.  But it's impressive to me, because A) I'm doing it all on survival mode B) I am not good at architecture.  

As you can tell, I'm weird with windows....especially on the granite building which was my first.

The black building, on the right, may never be finished.


Because I'm dependent on squids to die for the windows.  

I try very hard not to kill (not-hostile) animals in Minecraft.  I think, in this world, I've only purposely killed one chicken.  (I needed food, desperately and had lost hope in finding an apple or watermelon in time)

Anyway, I was at the nearby lake trying to get sand for glass.  For some reason, squid started dying.  It was sad to see them turn red; then go poof.  But then I pushed my sadness away and became an opportunist.  I picked up the ink sacs.  

I eventually decided it would be cool to have a black building with black windows.

I imagined that more squids would accidentally die, and I'd take their ink sacs.

It's kind of awful, though, because then I started wishing for them to die.

The last time I went for a major sand collecting expedition, my dark, evil wishes did not come true at all.  The squid all lived.

I did do some research and learned there's another way to get black ink.  You have to get a wither rose.  I'm not sure how hard that is.  But I don't think it's easy.  

Well, I just looked. It seems to involve the Nether.

I'm very scared of the Nether.

Even if I gain enough courage, I have a problem.

For some reason, diamond mining isn't working in this world.  I tried mining some diamonds, and they just turn into dust.  So I'm not going to be able to pick up any obsidian which means I won't be able to make a nether portal.

I guess it's all fine, though.

If I want to make a city that looks at least somewhat realistic, having a building perpetually in progress will add to that realism.  

How would our world change if we knew for sure there was life after death, and it was easy to talk to our dearly-departed loved (or hated!!!??) ones with the Internet?   The Dead are Online 


  1. Very cool buildings. I use a boatload of windows too. Makes it "fun" if a Creeper comes by.

    Due to my total inability to grow thing in game and out, I was forced to become a livestock farmer from early on. (The diamond sword I enchanted to set enemies aflame makes an efficient harvesting/ cooking utensil).

    Isn't there a rule that you have to have a certain material pick to mine the rarer items in order to get them. I cheated and looked at the minecraft wiki- " A Wooden Pickaxe is a necessity for getting anything out of Coal Ore or all types of Stone-type blocks. With a Stone Pickaxe, you are able to mine Iron Ore and Lapis Lazuli Ore. With an Iron Pickaxe, you are able to mine Gold Ore, Redstone Ore, and Diamond Ore. With a Diamond Pickaxe, you are able to mine Obsidian." Could that be the issue?

    Happy building!

    1. Yeah. I used an iron pickaxe for the diamond, but it didn't work. I think then I tried a gold and that also didn't work. It's kind of frustrating.

      I have my city very well lit and hard to climb onto, so I've had minimal hostile mobs. But yesterday a creeper snuck in and blew up a lot of my windows!! Oh and then I had those awful daytime hostile mobs walking around. I think...the pillagers? Minecraft has become so much more scarier lately.

      I'm very much like you in real life in terms of growing things. But I'm pretty good at in Minecraft. I have quite a lot of bread now.

      Sometimes I want to psychologically analyze myself based on how I'm playing Minecraft. For example, in my first world (several years ago) I was really into fighting mobs and enchanting weapons. But lately I'm really into avoiding mobs as much as possible.

      Well... part of it might be due to hearing that the enchantment table has become more complicated. If my diamond mining ever works out, maybe I'll look into it.

      Do you need obsidian for potion making? If not, maybe I'll get into that.

      Oh crap. I just Googled. You need a blaze rod. And you have to go to the Nether.

      I'm beginning to see that being able to mine diamonds is a very important part of playing Minecraft.

      Now I'm wondering if there's some kind of deep meaning/omen about my diamond disability.

    2. Sorry about the diamond problem. sounds like a glitch of some sort.

      I've never found my way into the nether, so no potions for me. I've done some minor enchanting. I was already collecting lapis lazuli (I made a giant blue stack on top of my castle so I could see it from far away) and that was the main thing needed for enchantment. If its more complex now I may be done.

      I may be done in a lot of ways. I was on my way back "home" from a village I have a side base in and fell into an enormous abandoned mine. I eventually found my way out, but even with a compass am completely lost and have failed repeatedly to get to the castle. Oh well, time to feed my jetpack joyride addiction some more.

    3. Jetpack??????

      Yeah. The diamond thing is sad. Thanks for the sympathy. I'm hoping the glitch goes away. Once when I turned the game on, it had a little updating moment. So I'm hoping that somehow will fix the diamond thing. I haven't seen any diamonds in weeks, though. And I've been digging deep.

      The last time I did the enchanting stuff, it didn't include the lapis lazuli. I found a bit the other day. I want to use most of it for blue windows but then I'm thinking if I can get the diamonds and can make an enchantment table, maybe I should save some. It does seem complicated, though. Plus, I'm more into building now than weaponry.

      I feel your pain about not being able to find the castle. I had started my city in a whole other area....a bamboo forest. Then I got lost. I kept trying and trying to find it and eventually gave up. It feels weird to me that it's still out there somewhere. With the new city, I got lost again. I mistakingly believed that the compass would lead me back to my bed. But...no. I forgot what happened, exactly. I found my way back home via death/respawning. But I lost a lot of stuff. Since then...I haven't been traveling far from home.
