My Five States of Blogging

 I am thinking that I have five states of blogging mode.

1. Rigid blogging routine: Everyday, I must write a certain type of blog post (ie: biography post or numbered post)....until I have some kind of inner meltdown and go on hiatus.

2. Hyper-prolific blogging: I blog when I feel like it....and that ends up being often.

3.  Wasted: I have ideas for posts.  I spend time working on it. Sometimes hours.  Then I change my mind, delete the post, and hate that I wasted all that time.  

4. Major self doubt crisis: I can't believe I have all this personal stuff out there for the world to see. Should I make my blog private?  

5. Blogging in my head: where I come up with ideas, "write" a few paragraphs in my head.  Say...nah.  And then a little time later, repeat the process.

I've been on stage 5 the last few days.  

I'm kind of impressed, though, that this one came out of my head and onto my blog.   

Very unrelated photo
I've decided to just go through my Google
albums in order. Different album
for each post. 
This photo is from Hawaii.
I love that pink column.
I would love a house full of rooms
that color.  Or one room. At least. 

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