The Very Safe Beaches of Amity

Our adventures with the scientists of Cal Tech are over.

Tim and I are now spending our evenings with the Twilight Zone.

Last night, we watched the episode "One For the Angels". It's about a salesman getting his visit from Mr. Death.

While watching, I started looking up the actors on IMDb. This led me to learn that Mr. Death is played by the same actor who played the infamous mayor in Jaws—Murray Hamilton.

That led me to finding this very clever, fun video. It's Jaws with Trump's face inserted over the mayor's...talking about the pandemic.

I first thought of the Jaws and Covid 19 connection back in March. On Instagram, a Dallas fan event was cheerfully planning for an upcoming convention. They seemed oblivious to the pandemic. I made a comment suggesting that they not be like the Jaws mayor.

They soon canceled. And I was relieved (and proud of them) to see recently that they have also canceled one of their make-up conventions. They are no longer the Jaws mayor.

Unfortunately, there are still many entities trying to pretend that all is well.

Except for Jaws, I don't remember ever seeing this kind of mindset it any piece of fiction dealing with zombies, a pandemic, animal attacks, etc.

I feel Jaws can't be the only one. So I'm guessing the storyline has been there, and I just haven't paid attention to that part?

BUT...then why would I remember it from Jaws?

And of the most recent horror movies I've watched is UsThere's no scene with someone from the government pleading to the public. Yes there are violent doppelgängers of all of us walking around with sharp scissors. But let's not lose sight of what's important. If society can handle the flu, it certainly can handle the Tethered. Businesses need to open! Get back to work! Go to your favorite restaurants. Open schools now!

How would our world change if we knew for sure there was life after death, and it was easy for our dearly-departed to talk to us via the Internet?   

The Dead are Online, a novel by Dina Roberts 


  1. Jaws is pretty much the only one isn't it? The only other one that comes close is Kevin Bacon in Animal House screaming as the parade descends into chaos, "ALL IS WELL!!!!

    1. Lol. I never saw that. But it's a good example. I imagine people are going to change the way they write these stories in the future.
