The Flowery Journal My Sister Gave Me (Part 24)

More Journal Stuff!

With this page, and after, I became less rigid about filling everything out.

I left a lot of blanks.  

And this stuff was filled out years after my sister gave me the journal—some in 1999 and some in 2001.

Note: The blue is what's printed in the journal book, and the green is what I filled in.

The most formative personal experiences of my early childhood-Finding Tim, the Internet, teaching preschool, deal with real estate in New York (1999) 

New York real estate. Yeah. NOT fun.  It's a shame, because it's such a fun place to live.

I guess that's kind of like saying, Disney World is so expensive, which is a shame, because it's such a fun place to visit.  

Important events-Meeting Tim, moving to New York, getting fired from a job I hadn't even started yet (2001) 

I'm not sure why I put getting fired as one of the top three events. Why would that be more important than finally finding a job and working at that job?

How my work fit into my life-To me, teaching is a job I like, but it is not the center of my life. I don't think people should be labeled by their occupation. I see myself as having many labels. I'm a teacher, a wife, a writer, a sister, a daughter, a friend, etc.  

I like that.

Although I'd also say that we don't need to define ourselves by our relationships.  

Or maybe it's okay.

Maybe it's okay to label ourselves as long as we realize we each have many labels.  

How would our world change if we knew for sure there was life after death, and it was easy for our dearly-departed to talk to us via the Internet?   

The Dead are Online, a novel by Dina Roberts