Pushing Politics on the Kids at Camp Wak-n-Hak

Yesterday, in the car, Tim and I reminisced about the Cystic Fibrosis camp we both volunteered at. I still remember and miss the kids in my cabin. From over thirty years ago!!!!

Anyway...then last night I dreamed about the camp.

I'm watching an old video of the camp. Nancy (a CF volunteer) and a CF mom are in the room with me. I see myself talking to a child. The child and I are chanting something about being politically on the right, and we also chant some anti-left stuff.

I'm quite surprised to learn that past-me was right-winged. I get the idea that, back then, I associated the right with being wholesome and the left with drugs.  

 I'm also surprised that I was talking about politics with a camper. I'm thinking that the camp spent a lot of energy training us to do CF treatments but that they should have also taught us not to talk politics with the campers.

I want to make sure I heard what I thought I heard on the video, but it's hard for me to concentrate because Nancy and the CF mom are talking. 

I can understand why I dreamed about camp...since we were just talking about it.  Not only that, but I have videos I took at camp, and I've been longing to watch them lately. I probably haven't watched it in over twenty years.  They've been calling out to me.

Oh! I think I know why.

One year, for our cabin skit, we did a Twilight Zone thing.  A young girl named Passha played the part of Rod Serling. So since we've been watching the Twilight Zone, I think that has been making me think of the skit, Passha, camp, etc.

As for the right-wing stuff....

I couldn't understand that at first. But while writing the post, I realized it's probably because I've become a fan of The Lincoln Project. They're a group of conservatives fighting passionately against Trump. I enjoy their stuff on Instagram and Twitter, and I've gone to two of their Zoom presentations. The last one was very enlightening and helpful to me. 

I'm wondering if there is a tiny subconscious part of me that's wondering (worrying)...if I spend too much time with this Lincoln Project, will I end up conservative? Although really...it feels like people of The Lincoln Project are more moving towards the left than they are moving me towards the right.  I've never encountered anything from the Lincoln Project that has made me think, Well, I'm glad they've joined the fight against Trump. I just wish they didn't believe....

I feel, for the most, part we're really on the same page about...pretty much everything.  I mean they might not be totally behind things like universal health care. But neither is everyone on the left. 

How would our world change if we knew for sure there was life after death, and it was easy for our dearly-departed to talk to us via the Internet?   

The Dead are Online, a novel by Dina Roberts 

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