Did Shane Get Married?

According to Statcounter, the most popular Australian on my blog today is Shane Bourne.  Even though I wrote a post about him, I didn't even remember who he was.  I got him confused with Shane Gould, the Olympic swimmer.

Now I remember though.  He's a comedian.  He was on that show Thank God You're Here.

People are googling things about Bourne getting married. So, is that what happened? Are people curious about who he married?  Maybe all these people wanted Bourne for themselves, and they're trying to check out the competition.

I'm taking a closer look at the keywords on Statcounter. Yeah, almost all the Shane Bourne people are googling Shane Bourne Married or Shane Bourne Marriage.   One person wants to know if Bourne is Jewish.  Oh, and someone wants to know if he's gay. Someone else  wants to know if he's married or divorced.

What is with all this sudden interest in Shane Bourne?  

Maybe he's Jewish, married, gay, AND divorced.

Anyway,  I have to go clean up cat vomit.  I'm not looking forward to that.