If I Were Not A Blogger, the Thing that I Would Be...If I Were Not a Blogger A Videomaker Me

Before I started this blogging thing, I was into making movies.

Today I bought/downloaded a program so I can finally get my videos up properly on YouTube. I'm really excited.   

I'm going to post them here.  Maybe some of you can watch one.

There's going to be a lot of videos.  Of course you don't have to watch all of them, or a lot of them.   That would be nuts. But I would LOVE it if you watched one.  Okay? For those of you who read this blog a lot, it might be fun because then you can get an image in your head when I talk about mi familia.  

I have a few done now, and as I get more done, I'll keep listing them here.  That way I won't bombard people with posts...even though I do that anyway.  

1. All You Need Is Love (Part 1).   This is the video I made for my sister's wedding.  They played it at the wedding reception, so that's kind of a big deal.   Maybe it was one of my biggest honors in life.  At 1:02 you can see my sisters and me with my sort-of Australian cousin. This is back when she was Florida girl in Florida rather than Florida Girl in Sydney.

It takes about 15 seconds for the video to start.   Sorry.   

2. All You Need is Love (Part 2) This is more of the wedding video.

3. All you Need is Love (Part 3)  I think 1:14 is my favorite part here. My timing was brilliant.  

My cousin hasn't updated her blog in awhile.  What's up with that?

I hate writing posts that aren't Australia related.  So let me say....

Today I learned that Melbourne had a lot of cast iron architecture.  Maybe they still do. I learned it from this website, which is pretty fun to read.

4. Jack Turns 4 (Part 1) At 3:23, there's a reference to something Australian.   
5. Jack Turns 4 (Part 2)  For those who can't tell me apart from my sisters, I'm the one wearing green.
6. Jack Turns 4 (Part 3)  This one features a song from Avenue Q.

By the way, thanks to those who have voted in my poll.  Look to the right if you want to participate.

Well, it turns out that's all I'm going to upload for now. I'm encountering major technical difficulties.   Very frustrating. If you send a little bit of pity my way, I'll appreciate it.

Oh!  I take that back.  It might be working again. Cool!

In other news, I never want to do a hot air balloon flight over Melbourne. No way!  Of course if it's a choice between that and someone in our household having the stomach flu, I'll take the balloon flight.

So I have more videos.....

7. New York 2005  (Part 1 ) This one has a song from Moulin Rouge so it's kind of Australia related.
8. New York(2005 (Part 2)

Last night I dreamed:

My younger sister and I are some house.  There's a jar of Vegemite.  I decide I want some.I open the jar, but then kind of change my mind about wanting any. My sister asks for some. I give her a small spoonful, and she sticks it all in her mouth. The shocked expression on her face tells me that she is not enjoying it. 

9. New York 2005 (part 3) This one has an Australian song too.   
10. New York 2005 (part 4). 

We just got back from the library. Tim got a book by an Australian author, and I didn't. I thought that was kind of funny. I got two more books in the House of Night series.   

At the library, they have a collection of dead bugs. Jack looked at them, and noticed a lot were from New South Wales.   

Well, there was supposed to be a part 5 of the New York film, but the audio is disabled. Oh well.

I'm going to start uploading our Disney Film. That might not work either because of music copyright issues.  We shall see. I'm very grateful to companies/artists that let us use their music for YouTube.   

Ah!  Disney is NICE....at least when it comes to music.  

Disney World 2004 (part 1)  
Disney World 2004 (part 2) 

I'm reading The Year of Secret Assignments; another Jaclyn Moriarty book.  It's as brilliant as her other books.  I hope she plans to write more. Is she?  The cruel people in the book remind me of the cruel people I've encountered on the Internet.   

Why are people so awful?

I mean....everyone is a LITTLE awful.  But why are some people very awful?    

Some people say that if you're nice to people, people will be nice to you. That's not really true.   Some people will be mean to you even if you try to be nice to them.   

Disney World 2004 (part 3)
Disney World 2004 (part 4)
Disney World 2004 (part 5)
Disney World 2004 (part 6)

All right.  That's the end for now, because I'm really tired of uploading.